SCORPIONS To Re-Record Classic Hits For New Album This Year

April 8, 2011, 13 years ago

news scorpions rock hard

SCORPIONS bassist Pawel Maciwoda was interviewed by Polish morning show Dzien Dobry TVN (Good Morning TVN) recently. The interview can be viewed below on YouTube. An english translation follows:

Dzien Dobry TVN: The Scorpions are on a massive Farewell Tour right now.

Maciwoda: "Yes, we play concerts in the whole world so we need a lot of time to visit these all continents. The Scorpions never played in Australia and I guess it's every member's of the band dream to visit this continent."

Dzien Dobry TVN: At the beginning of 2010 you announced your retire. Some bands make it to attract fans to the shows and I think there's something about it because it's rumored that the next album is ready.

Maciwoda: "Yes, the album will be recorded in the autumn and will be released this year. It's the album with the old Scorpions's hits that we're recording anew. This is the plan."

Dzien Dobry TVN: So is it the end or not?

Maciwoda: "Generally yes, but as I have already said we need the time, a year or two, to visit these all countries and We want to visit the countries, where we have already played, once more."

Dzien Dobry TVN: You were at Gorbachev's birthday party. Well, the Russians like hard rock bands.

Maciwoda: "Scorpions was one of the first rock band from the West that did a concert tour of USSR. We opened the door of the rock music in the East."

Dzien Dobry TVN: Was the direct cause of this invitation 'Wind Of Change' song?

Maciwoda: "Yes, Gorbachev invited Scorpions to Kremlin and they played for him privately. It was a big event because no band played there before."

Dzien Dobry TVN: What will you do if Scorpions stops to exist?

Maciwoda: "I work on my own project STIRWATER what means M?ciwoda in English. I collaborate with my friend Efrem Wilder who comes from New York. He is a vocalist, a poet and a painter. We write the music together. The concert album is ready. It was recorded in Cracow."

Dzien Dobry TVN: What kind of music is it? Is it a little quieter?

Maciwoda: "Yes, we made it in an acoustic climate. I think it's a good opposite of electric guitars. When I got to know Efrem, he played guitar for me and his voice with this guitar made such an impression on me ... It was enough, I didn't need more."

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