VINNY APPICE Answers The Question: Was RONNIE JAMES DIO The Greatest Heavy Metal Singer Ever?

April 8, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news vinny appice ronnie james dio's Greg Prato reports:

It's a question that has been attempted to be answered numerous times over the years, "Was RONNIE JAMES DIO the greatest heavy metal singer ever?"

VINNY APPICE, former band mate of Ronnie's in BLACK SABBATH, DIO, and HEAVEN & HELL (who has formed a new band with ex-PANTERA bassist Rex Brown, KILL DEVIL HILL), was kind enough to give the question a go recently. So without further ado, let's see how Vinny does...

"I think he was. It's hard to say anybody was 'the greatest' at anything. Like, the greatest drummer you can say was BUDDY RICH - for me. But then, Buddy Rich couldn't play rock, so it's hard to always say that. But Ronnie... a voice like that is something that comes natural. He just knew how to use it, he knew how to express himself, and I think he was one of the greatest singers of all time - of rock."

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