LIZZY BORDEN - "New Record Heading In A More (Individual) Song Oriented Direction"

April 18, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news lizzy borden

"We are now in the writing process for a new record as well as new videos and a brand new stage show soon to follow," report LIZZY BORDEN.

"Because we do not wish to repeat ourselves, we are taking our time with this new release to make sure we create songs that inspire us for the visual medium as well as our usual audio mayhem. This new record is already heading in a more (individual) song oriented direction, and it is my hope that we end up with at least ten new songs that can stand on their own and will be the soundtrack for our new generation of Lizzy Borden fans, all the while satisfying our dedicated fans who have been with us from the beginning.

We learned so much from last year in what you want from us from switching songs in and out of the set based on reaction, all of that is starting to feed into the writing for the new record. At one point last year we had seven songs in the set from Appointment With Death and the only complaint we had was to play longer! It is our strong desire that we have that same problem for our upcoming release.

Because we want this new release to be very special and something very different than anything we have done before, we are on the hunt to find the right producer that can understand the misunderstood. Finding that 'right producer' may be the biggest task we have at hand.

Having said all of the above, we can’t stay off the stage for too long or we will start to go studio-crazy, so you just may find us out and about playing shows in 2011 while we work on the new record, possibly here and there all over the world.

Please check-in to our facebook fan page for upcoming shows and more recording updates throughout 2011... we hope to see you all very soon, Lizzy."

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