Ex-MORGANA LEFAY Members' MAD ME$$IAH Post New Song Sample Online

April 27, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news mad me iah morgana lefay

Currently unsigned, MAD ME$$IAH - featuring former MORGANA LEFAY members Tony Eriksson (guitars), Robin Jonsson (formerly Engström/drums) and Micke Åsentorp (bass) - have issued the following update:

"To celebrate our new, lovely band page we thought we'd annoy you with another little teaser of the upcoming song 'From The First Day To The Last Day' even though we don't have any vocals on it yet. Jim will return June 2:nd, then we'll start recording vocal tracks on the stuff."

Go to this location to hear the new material. Check out Mad Me$$iah's official MySpace page here.

The band is rounded out by vocalist/guitarist Jim Wallenborg. They are in the process of writing songs, studio recordings are planned for some time in spring/early summer of 2011.

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