MONSTERWORKS Seek Label; Issue Studio Update

April 28, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news monsterworks

Following release of The God Album a few months ago, UK metallers MONSTERWORKS already have a new album recorded, mixed, mastered and ready to go to a good home. Entitled Album Of Man, it is the natural musical and thematic progression from The God Album, with the best production yet and a few new twists. The band is looking for a distribution partner/record label to unleash this next chapter upon an unsuspecting world.

Please contact with all inquiries.

Earlier this month, Monsterworks spent five days at Earth Terminal Studios, Hampshire, UK to lay down tracks for a yet further album.

Vocalist/Guitarist Jon had this to say: "We went really old school with this one, recording most of the instrumentation live to 24 track tape to get a much more organic result than you usually find with most metal bands these days. Modern production techniques tend to be clinical as fuck and can lose some of the heart and soul of the music. This album sounds like it comes straight out of the 70s (before they ruined snare sounds in the 80s) with song-writing that, while having retro elements, is a clear step into the future. It will be amazing when it is all put together over the next month or two."

Monsterworks recently released a new DIY video for 'God', the title track from The God Album. Check out the new video below:

Monsterworks began as a death metal organism (metallicum necronominominom) spawned in a primordial swamp and went on to evolve into the sophisticated supermetal machine (uber-ferrous tonka) it is today in the fleeting span of 3.5 billion years. This incubation period has resulted in a genus that communicates through an intriguing musical blend borrowing from the best of proto-thrash, death and traditional metal.

Consisting of Hugo (bass), James (drums), Marcus (lead guitar) and Jon (guitar/vocals), Monsterworks threw all its collective experience into The God Album; a philosophical journey navigating the woes of religion and its implications for the modern world. Monsterworks has been described as "thinking man's metal", a label to be proud of insofar as one can distinguish the message among the roaring and screaming that characterizes its sound.

The God Album tracklisting:

'Everything You Believe Is A Lie'



'The Enemy Of My Enemy'


'False Miracle'


'Let It Go'

'(Hymn Of) Fire'

The God Album was released through Casket Music on February 28th in the UK and March 8th in North America, distributed by PHD worldwide.

Check out 'Let It Go' from The God Album below:

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