Synchro Duet Making Waves With METALLICA

May 1, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news metallica

John Down from the is reporting:

The reaction was one of complete astonishment and skepticism.

Marie-Pier Boudreau-Gagnon and Elise Marcotte thought Canadian team coach Julie Sauve had surely lost her mind.

"When I told them I wanted them to swim to METALLICA it was like, 'uggh, nobody can swim to that,' " admitted Sauve, during a break in Friday's Canadian Open championships at the Talisman Centre. "But in Germany it was a big wow from the judges. We're bringing a new style."

Indeed it would seem that this country's finest duet is not only about to change the face of the sport with a more energetic and physicallydemanding routine, but are encouraged to raise it even higher after that 'wow' in the German Open last month landed them gold medals.

The duo gave an exhibition of the routine, featuring a mix of Metallica's Master of Puppets and Enter Sandman, during Friday's championships. The oohs and aahs of the crowd were punctuated by a standing ovation.

"I think it's good, not just for us, but for the sport in general," said Gagnon, at 28 the oldest and most accomplished synchronized swimmer in the country. "They see that synchro is hard, not just a smiley thing. It's more physical stuff and it's getting to be more fun now . . . we're getting more fans now."

Read the entire report here.

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