WHITE WIZZARD Vocalist Wyatt Anderson - "I Was Actually Considering Quitting Music Altogether"

May 2, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news white wizzard

The Great Southern Brainfart has issued an interview with WHITE WIZZARD vocalist Wyatt Anderson. The following is an excerpt:

Q: So when did you start singing then?

A: "That would’ve been my 11th grade year in high school. Some friends of mine had a band that my cousin was singing for. He had graduated and joined the military so they needed a singer. I figured I’d try out and that was my first singing gig. They were called GREY DAZE. [laughs] It was a blast. We thought we were the shit in high school but then again, when you’re in high school, what do you really know?" [laughs]

Q: Who would you say are some of your biggest influences as a singer?

A: "Oh well, starting with the old school of course you got RONNIE JAMES DIO, ROB HALFORD, BRUCE DICKINSON, GEOFF TATE and I also listen to a lot of the newer bands like PRIMAL FEAR, ICED EARTH, STRATOVARIUS. I listen to anything with a singer that has a great voice. My main ones are the old school ones."

Q: In April 2010, you announced that you were leaving White Wizzard. In the time that you were gone did you work on any other projects or anything?

A: "I was actually considering quitting music altogether. I had moved back to Florida and got back together with my now soon to be wife. I told her that I was just done and tired of dealing with all the personal bullshit that has to go along with being in a band. I told her I was thinking I would just stay here and try to be a family man and she said, 'Yeah right. We’ll see how long that lasts'.”

Read the full interview at this location.

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