NIKKI SIXX On MÖTLEY CRÜE - "We're Always Figuring Out Ways To Re-Invent Ourselves And Keep The Adolescent Charm Alive In The Band"

May 7, 2011, 13 years ago

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Chad Bowar at recently caught up with MÖTLEY CRÜE / SIXX A.M. bassist Nikki Sixx. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Q: Going into the first Sixx A.M. record, it was an unknown quantity. Did the success of that first album change the vibe or add any pressure this time around?

Sixx: "No, because we really don't know who we are, which we really love. We are trying to figure it out. We definitely are not linear and one-dimensional. I don't think we fit into a 'make a record, do a tour' type of package. We don't even have a drummer. We're really songwriter/producers. It's like an art project. It really cross-pollinates with a lot of stuff. It's kind of cerebral at times, but yet it's slamming guitars and definitely rock."

Q: Are there plans for another Motley Crue studio album?

Sixx: "I think our best record is still in us. I really believe that. When we buckle down towards the end of the year and next year and really put the songs together, I'm excited. Saints Of Los Angeles was fantastic. It was nominated for a Grammy, and after being around for 30 years and being nominated tells me we're still making music that people are noticing. Album sales are down globally and the band is still doing great.

We're always figuring out ways to reinvent ourselves and keep the adolescent charm alive in the band. That's part of the beauty of the band, its simplicity and fragmented, weird personality. That's what makes Motley Crue and we really don't want to fix that. We love being in a band together. We love our music and the fans are loving it. Without sounding like a cliché, I'm really grateful that I still get to do this."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Sixx hit Borders book store in New York City after a hugely successful New Jersey in-store on Monday to promote the SIXX: A.M. album and book, This Is Gonna Hurt, and he shared the joy of meeting fans and revealed what hurt. Check out the Artisan News Report below:

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