LEGION OF THE DAMNED Welcome New Guitarist

May 10, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news legion of the damned

LEGION OF THE DAMNED recently announced that their guitarist, Richard Ebisch, had decided to leave the band for health reasons. An update from the group states:

"After guitarist Richard Ebisch quite the band around 3 weeks ago we have not been sitting still", says singer Maurice Swinkels. "The day after Richard's departure I already had in mind to call guitarist Twan van Geel, I've known him for more than 10 years already and I knew he would be the perfect replacement".

"I called Twan that evening to tell him the situation in Legion Of The Damned and asked him if he would be intrested in a meeting with Harold, Erik and me, it didn't really took long before he called me back and said he would be looking forward to it", explains Maurice.

"It was really a surprise when Maurice called me", starts Twan to explain. "We have known eachother for some years but he has never called me on the phone before, so I knew that whatever he was about to tell me had a special meaning, I knew that he would not call me about the weather ofcourse." (laughs)

"Asking me to be their new guitarplayer struck me as a bomb, Legion Of The Damned has become a band that no one can deny or go around it ofcourse", Twan continues. "Therefor it didn't really took me a long time before I decided to take the shot and meet the rest of the gang."

Maurice: "After we invited Twan and spoke to him about the in's and out's of Legion Of The Damned one week later we met up in our rehearsalroom playing 'Son Of The Jackal,' 'Cult Of The Dead' and 'Death's Head March' that he already prepared at home, it truely felt as if the band is complete again", Maurice continues. "The next day Harold, Erik and me had another meeting with the 3 of us and decided to take Twan van Geel as permit guitar player".

When Maurice called Twan the next morning to give him the good news, Twan states: "Hell yeah! be able to play in Legion Of The Damned is an offer I can't refuse, be able to finally play with the big toys so to speak! Richard has been part of Legion Of The Damned since the very beginning and together with Maurice, Harold and Erik, he made what Legion Of The Damned is today, replacing Richard won't be an easy task, thats for sure, but nevertheless and humble as well as honoured I am to replace his spot and complete the band again and ready to strike with full force."

With joy and happiness Maurice states: "Since the departure of Richard I had no intentions to cancel any of our shows therefor we welcome Twan van Geel and we are very happy with his arrival, although its sad Richard left the band we were not planning on finding a 2nd Richard, Twan is a different person with different opinions and other inspirations which I think will only turn out positive in the musical direction of Legion Of The Damned. We also want to thank every other person who emailed us for auditions or were able to help us out, we appreciate their input, thank you!"

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