GREAT WHITE's Mark Kendall On Vocalist Jack Russell - "His Voice Is Fine, But He Just Has To Get Himself A Little More Mobile Before We Take Him Out"

May 30, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard great white's John Jeffrey has issued an interview with GREAT WHITE guitarist Mark Kendall, in which he makes it very clear that former XYZ singer Terry Ilous' position in the band is only temporary, as Jack Russell is currently going through physical therapy, in order to be able to perform with the band, once again. Mark is very candid about the band's current situation and is very content and happy with the success they have attained thus far. The following is an excerpt from the interview:

Q: I'm sure one of the first questions you get asked in interviews these days, is the one I'm about to ask. For all of the Great White fans out there following along, can you please clarify what is going on with the lead singer situation?

A: "What's happened is Jack (Russell) has had a ton of health issues, that have literally made it impossible for him to perform. He was doing it (performing) with (the aid of) stools and we were getting ridiculed. People were saying, 'Why are you taking that man out there (on stage) in that condition?' He's getting a lot better, he just had another surgery, so hopefully he pulls it out. In the meantime, we've been using a guy called Terry Ilous, who used to be from XYZ. He's just filling in until Jack gets well, and the shows are going great. He does a real good job, so that's going great."

Q: That's good to hear. While some people may be aware that Jack is not out on the road with you guys right now, many people want to know whether or not he will be back with the band at some point.

A: "He wants to. In fact, he's working out with a trainer and wants to come back. His voice is fine, but he just has to get himself a little more mobile before we take him out. We don't want to do like, wheelchairs in the airport, if you know what I mean."

Read the complete interview at this location.

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