WOLFSBANE - Ten Songs Completed For Reunion Album

June 5, 2011, 13 years ago

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Guitarist Jase Edwards, bassist Jeff Hateley and drummer Steve “Danger” Ellet from the recently-reunited WOLFSBANE - who feature former IRON MAIDEN singer Blaze Bayley on vocals - spoke with Metal-Rules.com recently. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

Metal-Rules.com: Now you’re working on new Wolfsbane album and it seems that Wolfsbane is back in permanent basis. Did all this have anything to do with the fact that Blaze (Bayley) just recently split with his own band?

Jeff: "No. This was already all booked and happening."

Steve: "We already took him from Iron Maiden, remember he was in this big band and we went to him and said look, get your fucking ass out of this shit band and come back to a real band “'laughs.'”

Jeff: "Yeah, the idea was that the Blaze’s band was his day job and this is the thing he does just for fun. But then his band started to split so he is doing this at the moment. "

Jase: "But this is not connected to his split with solo band."

Jeff: "There is no connection at all."

Steve: "You know the fact that he split with his band was another thing. The idea was that we would all live in Tamworth and so we were going to have someone in his band…"

Jase: "We just knew if something good came up for us we would do it and the rest of the time he would do his own band."

Jeff: "So that kind of happened in his world independently of what we are doing. It is okay to do more than one thing. We all do other things. These days everybody is a bit like Dave Grohl, aren’t they? They don’t necessarily just have one thing that you do. And that is fine because people like to hear it. If they like your music they like to hear that you are doing with different things and challenging yourself."

Metal-Rules.com: Tell us something about the new Wolfsbane track 'Did It For The Money' which is included on your new EP?

Jase: It is just one of the new ones that we have written for the album. We have written between 10 and 15 songs and...

Jeff: About 10 are finished now.

Jase: “'Did It For The Money' was one of the more recent ones that we wrote and we just felt that it had the spirit. At first we were going to put the EP out with just some reworked and rare tracks but then we decided to make it even better and bring out something brand new as well. You know, we wanted to revisit stuff that hadn’t really been properly recorded. We have gone back to demos and stuff from there old sessions…there are some songs which have only been released on some demos so we wanted to record them properly. And we wanted to redo “Killing Machine” again because we really like it. It is from the first album and it just really sounds…"

Jeff: "It didn’t really come out very well in the first album."

Steve: "Yeah so we wanted to come back to that now."

Jeff: "We were just going to do that and then we just thought let’s just put a new track on it and make it a new single. Originally it was going to be just old stuff but then we wanted to get something new out."

Jase: "There’s a certain amount of everything so I love listening. People are going to think…people will say oh we are just getting back to this and to that. A lot of people are doing it as well and there is a phrase expanded around. So we thought we would have a bit of fun with it."

Steve: "And it is a total fluke that the new single is called” Did It for the Money” because we aren’t doing it for the debt. We are doing it for the opposite reason. "

Steve: "Yeah, we are not enough in debt. We need more debt in our lives."

Jeff: "Well, I just do it for the fun. All I am interested in is rocking out and drinking beer. As long as I don’t lost any money I am not bothered about it."

Jeff: "Yeah, yeah. That really is what it is about, just rocking out and going out. "

Read the entire interview here.

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