Banned CRADLE OF FILTH T-Shirts Found On Sale In New Zealand

June 7, 2011, 13 years ago

news life in black cradle of filth

According to New Zealand's 3 News, hooded sweatshirts printed with offensive images banned by the chief censor in 2008 have been found on sale at an Invercargill shop.

The Impuls'd store in south Invercargill has been selling the clothes, which owner Warren Skill says have been very popular. He isn't planning to take the hoodies off the shelves, and believes people should be able to wear what they like.

The clothes promote UK black metal group CRADLE OF FILTH, featuring a sexually explicit image of a nun and use blasphemous language to describe Jesus.

But the chief censor's office says the image was banned in New Zealand in 2008, and has confirmed that the office's ruling still stands.

In 2008, an Australian teenager was charged with offensive behaviour for wearing a Cradle of Filth t-shirt, as was a British teenager in 2005.

Also in Britain, a 35-year-old man was convicted of "religiously aggravated offensive conduct" in 2004, and his t-shirt was ordered destroyed.

Read more of the report here.

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