KING KOBRA Guitarist Dave Henzerling - "BIG COCK Is A Fun Band, It's Us Just Raising The Middle Finger At Everything..."

June 8, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard king kobra big cock

Sleaze Roxx has issued an interview with guitarist KING KOBRA guitarist Dave Henzerling, conducted by Ruben Mosqueda. The following is an excerpt:

Q: You have kept busy throughout the years with other projects, one of them being BIG COCK with current WARRANT singer Robert Mason.

A: "I have. I also played on LIZZY BORDEN's Master Of Disguise - I was asked to join the band but I declined. I stuck around L.A. playing with other bands for a couple more years and then I got married and didn't play music for about 5 years. I raised kids, went back to college, and as soon as I was able I started playing music again. The first thing I did was the band with Robert Mason - Big Cock is a fun band, it's us just raising the middle finger at everything and doing music that we want to do. In the beginning it was released as a goof - on the first album there were no names attached, no pictures and before you knew it people figured out who the guitarist was and who the singer was."

Sleaze Roxx: What's in the works for Big Cock?

David Henzerling: We're working on a new album right now. It's hard to say when it will be completed because we have to work around each other's schedules. Realistically, I have to say that you might see it by the end of the year."

Read the full interview at this location.

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