HOLY GRAIL - "It Pretty Much Started From Small Bar Shows, To Small Tours, Sleeping In The Van To Still Sleeping In The Van"

June 18, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news holy grail

Jenna Williams, better known as The Scream Queen, recently caught up with HOLY GRAIL's James Paul Luna (vocals) and Eli Santana (guitars). An excerpt from the interview is available below:

Q: You guys are somewhat of a newer band, so how have the struggles been with trying to get to where you are now?

James: "Yeah, I mean, it pretty much started from the ground up, from small bar shows, to small tours, sleeping in the van to still sleeping in the van (laughs). And, you know having no dressing room, to having a dressing room once in a while. It kind of gradually builds."

Eli: "Yeah, but at the same time there's so many bands that never get into the van or never get a chance to sleep in a van, and then you get a dressing room. So, I think our time as the band, we've been pretty fortunate with how quickly we've got onto the road, to actually play a tour for the shows. We're definitely grateful for that."

Are you guys working on a new album to come out soon?

James: "Not at all... I mean, I have some ideas, but we've just been rehearsing and touring, and preparing for the tours. That's really been the main focus, pushing this album for the next one and a half to two years and doing an album after that. We've always been like-- I have like, riff tapes that I usually drop extra riffs onto every once in a while, or like, vocal parts, or like a chorus and a verse type of thing that I'll just write a melody for that I'll just put on a voice recorder or something. But as far as writing for an actual album, none of that has happened yet."

Eli: "I have a bunch of stuff that didn't get onto this last album that I really want to kind of nurture and get onto there (the next album). It was kind of chaotic (while recording), so we kind of want to get a chance to give a lot of stuff chances. But at the same time we're kind of seeing the world and doing stuff since that happened, and seeing all of these new bands, and touring with them and learning stuff. So, it might be good to start fresh because maybe that's like, you know, when we wrote that stuff (Crisis in Utopia), that's where our heads were at, but we were somewhere completely different after that. So, I guess we'll see."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

Back in May, Holy Grail put together a benefit show for Japan Disaster Relief, at the Levitt Pavilion in Memorial Park, in their hometown of Pasadena. The event was put together by frontman James Paul Luna's family. The entrance fee was $10 dollars, with the full proceeds going to Japan relief. LA hard rock band THE BINGES were the main support.

Metal Assault’s Aniruddh "Andrew" Bansal has posted a review from the show online. An excerpt can be read below:

“The recent Japan mega-disaster shocked not only the people in that country but more or less the rest of the world as well, and relief efforts have been ongoing ever since. Today I was extremely glad to see two of the brightest talents in the local metal community, Holy Grail and The Binges, come together to put on a show in their endeavor towards the cause. Holy Grail frontman James Paul Luna and his family had a major part in it and took it upon themselves to organize everything exactly the way it should have been. The end result was an evening that truly rocked one and all.

The atmosphere was amazingly relaxed here, in this outdoor park venue, and the stage itself had a very endearing, romantic sort of look about it. The Binges took the stage at around 7 PM, but before they got into playing their music, guitarist Mayuko announced that this was their final show as The Binges, but promised to return soon as a new band, under a new name. With that out of the way they started doing what they do best, play loud music and rock the crowd. I enjoyed every minute of their performance, and from the looks and sounds of it, so did the rest of the crowd. I spoke to a few people after the show and all of them said they were impressed by this band, quite rightly so.”

Read the entire report at this location.

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