PRESTO BALLET Part Ways With Drummer, Seek Replacement; New EP Due In July

June 22, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news ep presto ballet

PRESTO BALLET, featuring ex-METAL CHURCH members - guitarist Kurdt Vanderhoof and vocalist Ronny Munroe - have issued the following update from bassist Bobby Ferkovich:

"Lots of news in the Presto Ballet camp.

First off, we had to say goodbye to our drummer Jeffrey McCormack, who is unfortunately going through some rough times right now and felt couldn't commit enough of his time and effort to us. Although he was only with us a short time, Jeffrey is one of my dearest friends and I'm sad to see him go.

Presto has lauched a massive search for a permanent replacement, so if you are interested or know anyone who is, please send an email to

In much happier news, we've got a release date right around the corner! The EP, titled Love What You've Done With The Place, is set to be released on Saturday, July 2nd. It will be available for download on iTunes and the other major online sites, but if you want a CD that includes a bonus track, it will only be available on our website.

Be sure to tune in to Delicious Agony Progressive Rock Radio here, on June 27th at 8 PM (EST), for the exclusive premier of the new EP! It will also include an interview with Kurdt Vanderhoof. You don't want to miss this!

That's all for now... Hope to see you all on tour soon!"

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