SEPULTURA - Final Kairos Track-By-Track Breakdown Posted

July 1, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news sepultura

Legendary Brazilian/American thrash metal act SEPULTURA has posted the final part of their track-by-track breakdown for their new album Kairos, courtesy of here. See the full album breakdown below:

'Spectrum' - "The first song of the album express what the album is all about, our experience being Sepultura, all the stuff we saw and lived in this 26 years. The way we see the world, the way we experienced the world, the whole spectrum of our living. The riff is very simple, yet very powerful, it sets the tone for the whole song, kind of an hypnotic effect, it was the first riff that I wrote for Kairos and it turned out to be the first song of it."

'Kairos' - "The title track, what we talked about here is a very special concept of time, which is not chronological but a specific moment of opportunity and change, the present is what it is, the past is a collection of kairos moments and the future a consequence of the present, it is a very powerful concept which gave us the possibility to talk about ourselves and what is Sepultura today, NOW. It is a song with three different vibes, starts with a heavy, slow riff, then goes to a intermission, which is the lead part and then it ends with an upper beat with heavy picking riff."

'Relentless' - "This song talks about our endless fight to keep our music going, regardless of any difficulties we had passed or are passing, nothing is easy and demands a lot of energy and work. We never lost sight of our goals and we never stopped, with integrity and respect. The music brings more of the old feeling of trash metal, raw and direct."

'Just One Fix' - "A MINISTRY cover, a band that was very influential on Sepultura´s music on the early 90s, we toured with them in 1992, it was a great tour where we learnt a lot. Ministry showed a new way of playing heavy/aggressive music, pioneers of the industrial metal style."

'Dialog' "On this song is like we are having a conversation with ourselves, looking inside, making a balance of all these years, the ups and downs of our career and life in general. A very honest look in the mirror, facing our weak and strong points, accepting certain things that cannot be changed and move forward always. Is a kind of a dark vibe in the music, with clean guitars and a speaking style vocals, then going to a heavy part with crushing double bass drumming."

'Mask' - "Here we attack the people from the internet, that have nicknames and they never show their faces, people that slay everybody without showing their credentials, hiding behind a mask to speak loud. The music I wrote on the road, on the A-Lex tour, the only one done like that, Jean have his recording gear with him and I play some riffs on the guitar, creating the structure for the song, very trash as well!"

'Seethe' - "This song is a leftover from the A-Lex sessions, there were two songs that did not were on the album and one of them we decided to use it for this one. Is a very raw, violent song, that still resembles the vibes of the Clockwork Orange. We wrote an extra heavy slower part in the middle and re-recorded in the Kairos sessions, same studio but different era and a different producer. Is just pure trash with aggressive lyrics."

'Born Strong' - "A song to our families, then and now, moms, dads, sisters, brothers, grandmas, wifes and kids. Since the day we were born, taking care of our firsts steps in this world and showing the right path, education and love. Today we have our own families and that is what keeps us with motivation and strong, without them we are nothing. The music comes from a very old riff, when Derrick joined Sepultura, back in 97. He brought this riff that we hated at that time but now it worked out great. It was the right moment for it."

'Embrace The Storm' - "A song about persistence and faith, not being scared about the worst moments in life, they are a part of our growing as humans and we do not fear any storms that might happen in life. We overcome the bad times with a lot of work and learning with our mistakes. The music has a kind of melodic riffs, with a little of Ozzy/Rhoads influence, and is very heavy!!"

'No One Will Stand' - "Here we try to express our feelings when we are on stage, making the analogy of war, going to battle every night, we take no prisoners, total destruction. Conquering a new territory every time we go out on tour, leaving our mark, exchanging a wonderful type of energy with the crowd, the best experience for any musician, to be on stage. The song is very fast, very trash with the influence of the early hard core bands and attitude. It is very old school."

'Structure Violence (Azzes)' - "This song is a collaboration with the French percussive group LES TAMBOURS DU BRONX, a brutal heavy group that makes a huge sound with oil gallons and some electronic pads, it is amazing. We managed to record the song in different studios, we in Brazil, them in France, and the result is fantastic. The more organic sounds of Sepultura mixed so well with their heavy machinery sounds. We did the lyrics on the three languages, Portuguese, English and French, and it was inspired by the up rising in the Arab world, specially the crisis in Egypt, who took off from power the dictator Mubarak and started a whole wave of protests in other countries."

CD/DVD Digipak + iTunes Bonus Tracks:

'Point Of No Return' - 'This song is from the Kairos sessions and we felt didn´t have room on the running order of the album, so we decided to leave that as a bonus track. It has some elements of our past in it, like dissonant riffs and more traditional leads. The lyrics talk about the point we are in history, with all the global warming and the saturation of natural resources, for some things, there are no more hopes."

'Firestarter' - "PRODIGY was a challenge for us but we are used to do that, after all, we did U2, BOB MARLEY, NEW MODEL ARMY, DEVO among others, stuff that don´t have too much in common with heavy metal, although Prodigy is very heavy and intense, with influence from metal and punk. It is a great song and I can´t wait to perform that live."

Sepultura recently launched a pre-order for Kairos, which will hit stores in North America on July 12th through Nuclear Blast Records. The new record can be pre-ordered now at this location in various formats, coupled with a Kairos t-shirt, while supplies last.

Sepultura has also launched a special Fan Video Contest in celebration of Kairos. The band is calling on fans to create the ‘official’ video for the new track 'Mask', to be uploaded to the band’s official YouTube channel. Head over to this location for complete details and prizes.

Sepultura released Kairos on June 24th in Europe. Kairos was recorded once again at Trama Studios in São Paulo, Brazil and produced and mixed by Roy Z. (JUDAS PRIEST, HALFORD, BRUCE DICKINSON, HELLOWEEN).

Kairos tracklisting:





'Just One Fix' (Ministry Cover)





'Born Strong'

'Embrace The Storm'


'No One Will Stand'

'Structure Violence (Azzes)'


Footage of the band performing the title track from their new album, Kairos, at the Atlanta show, can be seen below:

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