THE AGONIST Vocalist Alissa White-Gluz Crowned "Sexiest Female Vegetarian" By PETA 2 - "The Contest Is Just For Fun, But I Do Like How It Shines A Different Light On Vegetarianism"

July 7, 2011, 13 years ago

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THE AGONIST vocalist Alissa White-Gluz out of Montreal, Quebec has been crowned the world's Sexiest Female Vegetarian by PETA 2. A noteworthy achievement in that she beat out A-list celebrities including Olivia Wilde, Natalie Portman and Anne Hathaway for the title. She has issued the following statement:

"I have been vegetarian since birth and vegan for more than half my life. Living cruelty-free is the closest thing to a religion I'll ever believe in and it is a huge part of me and my music. Of course, the 'sexiest veg celebrity' contest is just for fun, but I do like how it shines a different light on the idea of veganism/vegetarianism. It's showing people that a lot of the celebrities that they look up to and admire already follow this lifestyle, and that it's not some weird, challenging, alienating ordeal to be veg — it's simple, healthy, popular, and, well, sexy! I'm very honored to have won."

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