DEVIN TOWNSEND - "When I Started STRAPPING YOUNG LAD No One Cared; It Was Never A Big Band"

July 23, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news strapping young lad devin townsend

Jo Schüftan at Horns Up Rocks! recently caught up with DEVIN TOWNSEND in New York City to discuss the various aspects of Townsend's career. Check it out below.

In tandem with the release of the DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT's Deconstruction and Ghost albums, InsideOut is offering free download of a 10 song Devin Townsend compilation for a limited time featuring tracks taken from all his albums issued by the label over between 1997 - 2009. It is only available here in cooperation with Facebook and Twitter.

The tracklist is as follows:

'By Your Command' (Ziltoid)

'Christeen' (Infinity)

'Coast' (Ki)

'Deadhead' (Accelerated Evolution)

'Life' (Ocean Machine)

'Material' (Physicist)

'Mountain' (Terria)

'Sit In The Mountain' (Infinity demo)

'Supercrush' (Addicted)

'Vampira' (Synchestra)

As previously reported, during an interview with BW&BK;'s Carl Begai covering his Deconstruction and Ghost albums, Townsend offered some details about his next project, EPICLOUD. An excerpt from that discussion is available below:

Anything Townsend turns out is bound to be a surprise in the end regardless of pre-release hints and descriptions, and Epicloud is no exception. He does his best to illustrate his intentions, and lets fly with one totally unexpected revelation guaranteed to get jaws flapping once they’ve been yanked off the floor; Epicloud will feature the star of his Addicted record, AGUA DE ANNIQUE vocalist Anneke van Giersbergen.

“This next thing I’m writing, I’m writing for her," says Townsend. "The next bout of material… the drama, the metaphors, the complications and all the heavy shit that went along with the past four or five records have been worked out as far as I can see. Even when I was making Deconstruction and Ghost, I remember thinking that I didn’t really need on an artistic level to make it so dense and so challenging to listen to. So, the stuff that I’ve written now is highly melodic and has very simple structures. I’m finding that what’s coming out naturally now, the guitars are still heavy and it’s still got that epic sound, but it’s very different for me vocally. There’s no screaming; it’s melodic and ethereal-sounding vocals.”

“When it comes to playing live, I think I’ve got a really strong voice for what I want to put across. Specifically in the studio; I can do what I need to do, but my voice isn’t very resilient when it comes to performing live. So I find that after two or three weeks of touring most of my daily struggle is to make my voice not sound like it’s completely bagged. With the new stuff, hopefully I’m going to write all the heavy and hard singing parts for Anneke (laughs).

Go to this location for the complete interview. Check out the complete BW&BK; story here.

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