Blackie Lawless On New W.A.S.P. Album - "We've Actually Begun The Process And It's Very Exciting"

July 25, 2011, 13 years ago

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W.A.S.P. mastermind Blackie Lawless, in an interview via Greece's Rockpages from, reveales among other things that the band is gearing up for a new studio album. An excerpt follows:

Q: So, what’s the plan for the band right now? Are you planning to release a new album?

A: "Yeah, we’ve actually have been building a new studio here at my house and we hope we have it finished by October where we plan to record new material."

Q: Is there any ideas written down, do you have any songs ready?

A: "I would say that probably the whole record is close to being written already. We were in rehearsal yesterday and we actually worked on some new things… Nothing that we are going to play live right now, because it’s close to being finished, but we’ve actually begun the process and it’s very exciting!"

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Author Darren P. Upton's new W.A.S.P. biography, Sting In The Tale, will be released today - Monday, July 25th. Purchase links will be posted here today.

Sting In The Tale features new interviews with Randy Piper (guitar), Chris Holmes (guitar) and Stet Howland (drums). According to a book description, "W.A.S.P. were one of the primary heavy metal bands to crawl from the gutter of the Los Angeles scene of the early '80's. Led by the charismatic, dark and intense Blackie Lawless, W.A.S.P. went on to cement their status as rock legends. From their early shows full of blood and gore, to Blackie's eventual return to his Christian roots, this book brings you bang up to date in revealing detail. Riveting and controversial, Sting In The Tale dramatically lifts the lid on the many skeletons stashed in the W.A.S.P. closet."

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