LEAVES' EYES Dedicate 'Norwegian Lovesong' To Victims Of Oslo Massacre

July 25, 2011, 13 years ago

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LEAVES' EYES, featuring Norway-born vocalist Liv Kristine Espenaes Krull, have issued the following:

"Leaves' Eyes would like to dedicate 'Norwegian Lovesong' to the victims and their families of the tragedy in Oslo. Friends and families of Norway from all over the world are with you. We wish you strength and hope for the times to come. Norway is a peaceful and beautiful place to live, and it will be even after this black day.

In deep thoughts and memories of the fallen."

Liv Kristine & family, and Leaves' Eyes

As reported by Reuters, a 32-year-old Norwegian by the name of Anders Behring Breivik moved across the small, wooded island of Utoeya in a lake northwest of Oslo on Friday, July 22nd, firing at young people who scattered in panic or tried to swim to safety.

Police charged him for the killing spree and the bombing of government buildings in Oslo that occurred the same day. A total of 91 people were reported dead.

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, capturing the shock this normally quiet nation of 4.8 million is experiencing, said: "A paradise island has been transformed into a hell."

Go to this location for the complete report.

The BW&BK; families sends our condolences to the families and friends of the victims in this horrific tragedy.

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