Southern Lord Presents Free 20-Song The Power Of The Riff Mix Tape; EYEHATEGOD, PENTAGRAM, BLACK COBRA Featured

August 2, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news pentagram eyehategod black cobra

In preparation for The Power Of The Riff 2011, with five West Coast shows announced to take place later this month, Southern Lord is giving away a brutal 20-track mix tape featuring artists set to appear during the upcoming melee.

The free download includes tracks from ALL PIGS MUST DIE, BAPTISTS, EYEHATEGOD, PENTAGRAM, BLACK COBRA, PELICAN, NOOTHGRUSH, WINTER, TRAP THEM and more, as well as a collection of flyers from all of the upcoming The Power Of The Riff shows.

The free download is available at this location.

The tracklisting:

ALL PIGS MUST DIE - 'Pulverization'

BAPTISTS - 'Good Parenting'

EYEHATEGOD - 'Jack Ass In The Will Of God'

MASAKARI - 'Trapped In The Mold'

ALPINIST - 'Hak Nam'

SKIN LIKE IRON - 'Consequences'

EARLY GRAVES - 'Wraiths'


PENTAGRAM - 'Call The Man'

BLACK BREATH - 'Children Of The Horn'

PLAGUES - 'Breathing'

HARASSOR - 'Glory Raped'

ACEPHALIX - 'Interminable Night'

BLACK COBRA - 'Negative Reversal'

ÆGES - 'Roaches'

SLAVE - 'Rise Of Shame'

TRAP THEM - 'Carnage Incarnate'

NOOTHGRUSH - 'Oil Removed'

PELICAN - 'Strung Up From The Sky'

WINTER - 'Eternal Frost'

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