WARRANT Guitarist Joey Allen - "We Are Very Proud Of How The New Album Turned Out"

August 3, 2011, 12 years ago

news rock hard warrant

Greece's Rockpages caught up with WARRANT guitarist Joey Allen for an interview focusing on the band's latest record, Rockaholic. An excerpt follows:

Q: Welcome back, Joey! I didn’t expect such a strong comeback by Warrant… it was really a pleasant surprise. How do you feel about the album?

A: "We are very proud with how the CD turned out, from the song writing to the production to the art work… it was very cohesive and a was a bunch of fun to make!"

Q: How did it feel to be working with Robert Mason? Apart from the musical aspect of the whole thing, did he bring along a much needed peace and calmness to the band?

A: "Robert has been in this band for almost 3 years. He brings a sense of professionalism to the lead singing slot that has been vacant since 1991. He is a blast to work with and shows up 24/7 to kick ass!"

Read the full interview at this location.

Warrant has partnered with the A3 Network Apps to provide a portal they can use to reach out and provide personalized rich media updates directly to their fans.

The A3 Network is FREE for the iPad and iPod with a subscription based optional service that allows fans to join a more elite group of like fans with access to receive exclusive updates on a regular basis that can only be seen on the Warrant A3 app. Click here for more information.


Warrant has been touring all summer long on the Rockaholic Tour, playing for fans all over the United States alongside: POISON, WHITESNAKE, JOURNEY, CINDERELLA, SKID ROW, GREAT WHITE, FIREHOUSE, L.A. GUNS and more. There are tour dates booked through December with more being added weekly. Confirmed shows are listed at WarrantRocks.com.

The band is currently discussing video concepts with their record label for the next single off of Rockaholic called 'Home'.

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