WARRIOR SOUL's Kory Clarke Says New Album Rubicon Is Due In Mid-September

August 4, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news warrior soul

Britain's Uber Rock has issued an interview with vocalist Kory Clarke (WARRIOR SOUL, TROUBLE), conducted by Attila Timar. An excerpt follows:

Q: Kory, let's start with the current doings of your band Warrior Soul. A few days ago you aired some new WS demos on your Facebook profile. How would you describe the direction of the new songs for those who missed the 24-hour pre-listen chance? Are the songs going to be as kick-ass as Destroy The War Machine, or can fans expect some psychedelic tripping infiltrating into the new WS output?

A: "It's going to be a Warrior Soul album, and due to the title (Rubicon) and theme, we will probably be once again Majestic, Soaring, Aggressive, Proud. I went to the studio at Christmas in Stockholm with Rille Lundell (Warrior Soul guitarist) and we tracked about 8 songs. It might have been more, I can't remember. It was great writing and we found a deal and we are getting ready to release in mid-September 2011. The album is called Rubicon which means "past the point of no return". Some of it was written in Salon, Sweden, most of it in Rille's apartment."

Q: Warrior Soul has a UK tour scheduled for September. Is the record going to be out by then?

A: "Yes. At least reviewed and ready to go. We want to be finished by August 15th, 2011."

Q: Will the tour reach other parts of Europe?

A: "Yes, we are booking the tour now."

Q: Great! In January it seemed that your other band started to make a new record with producer Bill Metoyer (who had worked with SLAYER, Trouble and FATES WARNING).

A: "YA! and it is AWESOME!"

Q: So what exactly is the situation with Trouble now?

A: "We are still finishing the record."

Q: And how are you feeling yourself in that band?

A: "Well, I feel myself in every band. (laughs out loud) Irrate! I mean... great! (more laughing) This is going to be one of my proudest/best records. To work on a debut with Rick Wartell and Bruce Franklin is pretty amazing. To be able to cross genres and truly speak a new language and excel at it is the ultimate fulfillment. By the way, we did a cruise in January 2011. We did the 70,000 Tons Of Metal Cruise in January. It was great to play with all those guys and we used the time as well to record in Chicago."

Read the full interview at this location.

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