August 6, 2011, 13 years ago

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Got a bone to pick with Fergie of the BLACK EYED PEAS? A jones for ghetto biscuits? Hate having to cuddle after sweaty, dirty sex? Until now, you’d be just another trailer trash crack head reeking of Jagermeister and vomiting on yourself when you couldn’t find a bucket or a whore. Now you have a friend, and its name is DICK DELICIOUS AND THE TASTY TESTICLES.

DDTT began life in the fall of 1992, when freelance gynecologist Richard B. Delicious and chili technician Hugh G. Rection, found their first drummer, Harry Scrotum, hiding in the back of the van. The Atlanta trio recorded and mixed their self titled debut album in 1995 for Reality Records. 1998 saw the release of We Sold Our Souls for Sloppy Holes. In 2001, the band released their third CD, Bigger Than Ron Jeremy, on their own WFPTSO (We Finally Put This Shit Out Ourselves) label.

In 2003 the band received the first and only Howard Stern Award for Excellence In the Field of Music after receiving heavy airplay of the song 'Diarrhea' fueled by listener requests. In classic Dick D fashion fame exposed internal tensions leading to a revolving door of drummers, incarcerations, drug habits and bad business decisions. Shortly after the height of popularity, the band broke up.

In 2010 Dick and Hugh buried the hatchet and returned with their fourth album, A Vulgar Display of Obscurity. Featuring 40 tracks and 78 minutes of music, the album displays DDTT's patented brand of comedy, including such gems as: 'I Wanna Kill the Black Eyed Peas', 'Beer, Shit, AIDS and Bad Drugs', 'Good Loving Gone Brown' and 'Viagravated Assault'. The new disc displays the band’s consummate professionalism as a “joke band” that can play with bone-rattling volume and lyrics crude enough to make the late ANAL CUNT’s Seth Putnam’s corpse shit itself. Newest member Constance X (Ruyter Suys from NASHVILLE PUSSY) joins forces with the crew, lending her guitar chops and vocals to the mix. Also on hand for the recording were Brent Hinds, Troy Sanders and Bill Kelliher of MASTODON, Kevin Sharp from BRUTAL TRUTH, and Blaine Cartwright of Nashville Pussy.

Is the world ready for Dick Delicious and the Tasty Testicles? Howard Stern, legions of DIY fans think, and the morons in the band think so! Find out why music critics and derelicts alike are thirsting for more DDTT. The balls are in your court now.

A Vulgar Display of Obscurity drops September 13th, 2011, with a distribution deal through Nashville Pussy’s newly formed Slinging Pig Records (distributed by MVD Distribution). The band will tour this summer and fall with Nashville Pussy and THE DWARVES.

Check out the band’s 'Feed The Homeless (To Each Other)' video below:

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