DAVID T. CHASTAIN Releases Civilized Warfare Album

August 17, 2011, 12 years ago

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Guitarist DAVID T. CHASTAIN's 2011 new all instrumental release, Civilized Warfare has just been released via Diginet Music.

This release showcases David's varying influences and styles. While heavy, it is still full of emotional intensity and terrifying technique. This release is not instrumental "noodlings" but it is based around actual song frameworks.

In the last 5 years, David's music has been used in literally hundreds, if not thousands, of TV shows and films and this work is geared towards his "Metal In TV" campaign.

David states: "While I never sat out to provide music for TV and Films I have found that they can take my music as is and use it very easily in a wide range of shows from Oprah to the NFL Network and everything in between. While no one is necessarily getting rich from it, there is gratification in hearing your music on TV! I would classify this release as more of a hard rock release than a straight ahead metal recording. I hear some 80s in this one!"

Mike Haid once again provides a strong foundation with his drumming and bassist Steven Taylor provides the consistent bass playing that allows David to go to places he might not otherwise venture. This release is also part of the Diginet Guitar Masters series which features David, GUS G., JOE STUMP and others.

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