ALERION Part Ways With Singer

August 23, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news alerion

Utrecht, Netherlands-based progressive thrashers ALERION have issued the following update:

"We have some unfortunate news. Recently, Maaike (Siegerist) decided to leave Alerion, after three years with us. Gradually, she moved in other directions than Alerion, which ultimately led to her departure. We are sad to see her go and want to thank her for her contributions to the band. We wish her all the best in her musical ventures."

Maaike has composed the following message to explain her departure:

"I'd like to thank the guys of Alerion for the good times we had together; it was great to be the band's leading lady for three years. I loved being on stage with them, writing songs together with Bas - who's got a composer of classical magnitude in him - and especially joking over beers after band practice.

However, lately, I felt out of place. Drawn to old-fashioned jazz, pop, and other musical genres, and frustrated with the challenging conditions metal singers face on stage at smaller venues, I grew less enthusiastic about playing with the band. So I made the difficult decision to quit Alerion.

I wish Alerion all the best, and hope they'll find the new singer they deserve. When they hit the stage again, I'll be sure to be in the audience!"

Those of you who wish to check out her musical activities outside of metal (in pop and jazz) can visit the website of her acoustic duo DAISY ENJAZZED here.

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