SKÁLMÖLD Talk About "The Age Of The Sword"

August 27, 2011, 13 years ago

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Guitarist Thrainn Arni Baldvinsson from the bloodthirsty and fearless warriors of Iceland's SKÁLMÖLD - who recently released their debut Baldur via Napalm Records - has spoke with The Age Of Metal. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

The Age Of Metal: What is it Skálmöld? And where did it come from?

Baldvinsson: "Skálmöld basically means ‘’an age of war’’ or ‘’the age of the sword’’. The word is first used to describe a war between four clans in Iceland, fighting for power in the 13th century."

The Age Of Metal: Where the idea for the concept album “Baldur” came from?

Baldvinsson: "We just wanted to make music based on our heritage. We did not want to use the old stories, that´s been done over and over so we just wrote a new story and made it fit with within the old form of the sagas."

The Age Of Metal: What is the next step on Skálmöld’s career?

Baldvinsson: "A big show here in Iceland in September and then a 24 date European tour in October. After that another big gig in Iceland as well as keep on promoting the album. Then it´s off to the rehearsal room to start writing for our next album which should hopefully see the light of day in the spring of 2012."

Read the entire interview here.

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