THIN LIZZY's Darren Wharton On New Studio Album - "There Are A Lot Of Things That Would Need To Come Into Line To Make That Happen"

August 27, 2011, 12 years ago

news rock hard thin lizzy

THIN LIZZY keyboardist Darren Wharton spoke with Marko Syrjälä from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow: This is one thing which is been on up lately is that there’s a lot of speculation about a possible new Thin Lizzy material. Do you have any real plans to do that?

Wharton: "Yeah. I mean it’s something that we do naturally all the time. You know, we’re all sort of writers in our way. So we’re constantly writing stuff. You can’t stop doing that. But whether or not – we definitely wouldn’t mind doing it. It’s one of those things where it has to be sort of wanted by the fans. And it has to be sort of politically right within the structure of the whole sort of entity. There are a lot of things that would need to come into line to make that happen. But, yeah, I mean, we do write songs and we write some good stuff. But as I said, this is not an easy thing to... So I don’t really know how to answer that. We do write and we are writing still. So it will be probably, you know, there’s a record company and as Phil stay and as the band, and we just – this is quite complicated, whether the fans want to hear it, I don’t know?" Do you have plans to released DVD or any other documentary from this current tour?

Wharton: "Well, no, we haven’t – we’ve recorded a live album at Hammersmith, but it’s just a show really, as a keep sake for anybody who want to backup for that. I’m doing some camera work, with the little camera. It’s just for YouTube, I mean, like blog stuff, just YouTube stuff. But no, we’re not doing like an official video documentary or anything like that." About Thin Tizzy’s songs and albums, who actually owns the rights now?

Wharton: "It’s complicated… but Universal owns the whole catalogue. But the decisions are obviously made between Brian and Scott, and then Phil’s estate, which is his wife and stuff like that. So it’s complicated. But really, it’s Brian and Scott and Universal and Phil’s wife and family. That’s really where the decision is made." How Thin Lizzy will continue from now on? You already mentioned that you’re going to be quite busy for a while with this band?

Wharton: "Well, on and off, yeah, on and off. We’re getting offers all the time and it just comes down to whether or not we feel that particular set of days would be right, whether or not everybody’s available. But we have got quite a bit ahead, yeah."

Read the entire interview here.

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