ANTHRAX’ Frank Bello Talks Worship Music, Big 4 At Yankee Stadium, Acting, Hanging With Uncle Charlie

September 14, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news anthrax

By Mitch Lafon

Frank Bello is known primarily for being the bassist in his uncle’s band (ANTHRAX), but the one-time roadie also has a penchant for acting. He’s been cast to play the role of famed punk personality, Richard Hell, in the new Greetings From Tim Buckley movie (currently in production). If that weren’t enough, the bassist is about to embark on a world tour to support Anthrax’s brilliant new album, Worship Music, while balancing the responsibilities of fatherhood. sat down with Frank recently to figure it all out. Anthrax’s drummer, Charlie Benante, is your uncle. What’s it like being in a band with your uncle?

Frank Bello: “My grandmother is his actually his mom. She had him late in life and we grew up like brothers because we grew up together. Technically, he is my uncle, but we fight like brothers. We’ve gotten better over the years because we’ve grown up and understand what life is all about now.” Let’s talk - Worship Music. It’s been eight years since the last record (of new material). There has been a lot of starts and stops in the making of this record. You left the band to join Helmet. The band brought in a new lead singer then parted ways with said lead singer. How does it feel to finally get the album out?

Bello: “There has been a lot of start-ups and come-back-downs, but to have an actual release date, the hype, and the great reviews (thank God for them) is the coming to fruition of what we had envisioned. We’ve killed ourselves and you know what we’ve been through... the lawyers, the inter-changing, and all that stuff. We just want to be a band and life went on and there were so many things beyond our control. All we ever wanted to do was this... what we’re doing right now. We have Joey Belladonna in the band and we really just want to put out this record. It was blood, sweat and tears and to see it come to fruition... We’re playing Yankee Stadium in a week. It’s all pretty incredible. It’s a good time right now, we’re very fortunate and we know that.” Can you explain some of the frustrations you must have felt over the last eight years? You had the new singer and that didn’t work out. You left for HELMET and came back. John Bush came back for a few shows and left...

Bello: “John has his own life. We’re really tight with him, but he has his family life and he just doesn’t want to do this anymore. I completely respect it and we love him. As for me with Helmet, I just think we needed a break from each other, but I think that made Anthrax stronger to tell you the truth. When I came back, we had this bond that was missing. I know I felt like that and I think they felt like that. This is what we need to be and I think it made for a stronger band (the nucleus - Charlie, Scott and myself). That’s why (with all this stuff that went on) to come to this point and to have Joey Belladonna as the cherry-on-top... it all came around, things happened for a reason and I’m happy that they did.” When you left for Helmet, was it only supposed to be a break or did you quit Anthrax with no thought of coming back?

Bello: “I don’t think you’re ever done in Anthrax, but we both needed a break from each other personality wise. It was just conflicting and that’s as honest as I can be. It was partially my fault and partially theirs. It was half and half, but I’ll go back to the positive that it was a needed break. When I went to Helmet, I can tell you that we had a great time touring for two years. I learned a lot from being with another group. I became a better bass player and it helped me be a better person in Anthrax.” Are you still interested in pursuing outside projects or is Anthrax your sole focus now?

Bello: “My main musical focus is Anthrax, but there are outside projects. I’m in the middle of filming the movie Greetings From Tim Buckley. I have a few more days of filming after the Yankee Stadium show.” I was going to ask you about the film, but quickly is it safe to say that Anthrax is your musical focus ‘till death do us part’?

Bello: “Yeah...yeah.” As for the movie, is it a documentary or a feature film?

Bello: “It’s a feature film by Smuggler Films. My agent said to go read for Amy Kaufman (she’s done a million movies) and I got cast. I read for her on a Thursday by the Monday I was on set. It was like a tidal wave. It was that fast.” How did they know to call Frank Bello of Anthrax for a film?

Bello: “I’ve studied acting forever. I just love the art of acting... long story short is that my agent said ‘go read for this’ and it went well. I play ‘Richard Hell’ and it’s just amazing. I’ve been doing loads of research on him and it’s just so much fun to play him, so I’m having a good time.” When will it be released?

Bello: “There’s a nice little buzz around the film and I’m hearing next year, but they’re still in the middle of filming.” Will you contribute any music to the film (either solo or Anthrax)?

Bello: “None of my music, but I am singing in the film as Richard Hell (the song ‘Moulin Rouge’ by TIM BUCKLEY). I’m a big Jeff Buckley (his son) fan, but I didn’t know a lot about Tim Buckley, but since the film I’ve been learning a lot.” Will people hear your vocal or will they dub in somebody else’s voice?

Bello: “Oh, no - they’re using my voice and it’s with a live band. Should be pretty interesting.” Your background vocals for Anthrax are essential. Have you thought about putting together a solo album?

Bello: “Well, thank you. If you look back at the Anthrax catalogue I have sung a bunch of the B-sides and I have a solo record that is being recorded right now. I have definite plans for the future but it’s all Anthrax for me right now. My stuff is more like the FOO FIGHTERS.” Well, at least, you’re not doing a country album...

Bello: “Dude, I love the Foo Fighters.” Back to Anthrax. The main ‘thing’ over the last eight years was the vocalist situation. Is Joey Belladonna going to stay in Anthrax forever?

Bello: “As I speak to you today... ABSOLUTELY. I can say that emphatically because this is THE band. When I hear this record, I don’t want to go anywhere else. I just want to enjoy the moment and this is Anthrax. So, yes, this is it. This is what I want. Plus, the guy doesn’t age. His vocals are better now. He was always a great singer and I don’t know how this guy became even better. On this record, he’s absolutely mind-blowing and speaking as a fan of Joey’s singing - these are his best performances ever without a doubt.” I’ve had a copy of the album since early July and I’m convinced that this is one of your strongest album yet. This is the album Anthrax needed to make. I think you’re going to blow people away with it.

Bello: “That means more to me than anything because you said the right thing to make me just say ‘man, everything was worthwhile’. We made the album we needed to make. That means everything and I thank you for that. That is what we wanted to do. What came out of us was blood, sweat and tears. I think you get it and I appreciate that sincerely.” How much of the album is new ‘new’ and how much of it has been around for the last few years?

Bello: “Charlie, Scott and I wrote these songs and then edited the hell out of them. The amazing thing about having all this time was being able to hear what works and what doesn’t. We had the luxury of time because we didn’t have to rush to get this record out. So, some parts were pulled out because they absolutely didn’t belong there, but for the most part a lot of it is the same.” Let me rephrase - did you simply take the former singer’s vocals off and have Joey sing his parts or did you re-record the instruments as well?

Bello: “I re-recorded all of my bass tracks. My bass tracks are all new and I’m really stoked about it. It gave me a fresh vibe and I’m really psyched that I did that and it helps the record a lot too. Scott did some rhythms over and we also did some songs over which was cool.” Because it took eight years to get Worship Music out, are you already looking forward to the next ‘new’ album or not yet?

Bello: “I don’t want to think about the next record, but what I do think is that Anthrax is in a very good state. This is the best we’ve been (personally) which is a good sign for the future (if you can understand that). In Anthrax, we take it day by day, but I really feel good and the Big 4 has really helped us. I thank METALLICA for that... for giving us the kick in the ass that we needed.” Why is it the best ever? Is it because you’re all family guys now and have calmed down or is it that simply everybody ‘gets it’ now?

Bello: “A little bit of both honestly. I think we all ‘get it’, we know it’s special and let’s face it - life is fast and we may not be here tomorrow so we better enjoy this moment. Don’t look a gift-horse in the mouth. We’ve got a good thing going on, so let’s enjoy it.” You’re also one of the few bands that have survived for this long. Thirty years...

Bello: “Thirty years! Imagine that... a metal band surviving for thirty years and people are talking about this being, if not, our best record certainly one of our best. I’m really psyched and that’ll keep you going.” Thirty years in and people are excited about the new Anthrax. You can’t say that about a lot of band’s new albums. Nobody is excited about the new Village People...

Bello: (laughs) “Funny thing is, we were at the airport in Europe about a month ago with THE VILLAGE PEOPLE (in the customs line). The agent asked him who he played for and he said The Village People. I was like ‘wow’ (laughs). It was so obscure.” Let’s talk the Big 4. You’ve done Europe, so where is the North American tour? Where is the Dallas date? Where is the Chicago date? Where is the Montreal date?

Bello: “Talk to Metallica. We know how special this is and we’re enjoying it as much as the fans are. So, I’m ready and I think the other two bands (MEGADETH and SLAYER) would say ‘anytime’. So, Metallica whenever you want to play we’re there and we’re going to have a ball. Let’s go have some fun. It’s a very positive thing so, of course, we want it to continue. It’s four bands that started a movement about thirty years ago that are still around together and playing Yankee Stadium. That’s something to celebrate. There’s no animosity at all. It’s just really positive with really good vibes. Put it this way, as soon as Kerry King comes to town, he going to call me and we’ll go have a beer downtown... we’re just hanging out with out friends jamming some songs.” Speaking of Yankee Stadium, we all know that Scott Ian has an affection for Yankee on-deck circles...

Bello: (laughs) “Yes, he does.” Is he permitted to play at Yankee Stadium?

Bello: “Yes. (God Rest His Soul) George Steinbrenner (with the help of Howard Stern) forgave him and if they lock him up (as long as it’s after the show) I’m good (laughs).” Growing up in that area, what does it mean to be playing at Yankee Stadium?

Bello: “It’s overwhelming. That’s the only word I have. My family and I grew up ten minutes from the stadium. We’re all die-hard Yankee fans. The guest list is absurd. It’s a really crazy time. What I want to do that day is take a glove, have somebody throw me a ball (from the side of the stage or whatever) and I’m going to dive for the ball, so that I can say I made a diving catch at Yankee Stadium. I know it’s pathetic that I’m saying that, but that’s the kind of fan I am. It’s going to be 50,000 people and it’s going to be pretty crazy for a New York show. We thought playing the Garden (on the Clash Of The Titans tour) was crazy, but this is stratosphere time.” Last thing, you’ve been doing Hartke sponsored bass clinics (while on the road). Will you continue to do these on the upcoming tour?

Bello: “I love doing the clinics because it gets me in touch with kids to play bass. It connects me with to them. I was the guy in the Bronx growing up with no money and had music as my inspiration to get me out of my position and to make me feel better about things. If there are people out there like that that I can help by getting a bass into their hands... to make a better life that’s what it’s about. It’s not a plight. I just want to help people and it means a lot to me to get the gift of music into their hands. I’ve been really fortunate and I believe in sharing.” Do you get that sense of helping kids from the clinics or is it simply fans that want an autograph?

Bello: “All I can do is try and I try my hardest. I can just tell them my story and if they can relate to it somehow and it inspires them that’s all I want to do. It’s really important to me. I have a son like you do and I think music is a really big thing in our lives."

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