October 4, 2011, 12 years ago

eyes hot flashes visions of atlantis leaves uk news

VISIONS OF ATLANTIS have issued the following update:

"Due to some problems concerning the voice and health of our male singer, Mario Plank, who is completely irreplacable for any VoA live show, we are forced to cancel the upcoming UK shows together with our friends of LEAVES' EYES.

This will not effect the show at Metal Female Voices Fest in any way as this show will be played for sure!! And as we're recording our first Live DVD on October 23rd, we have to do everything to bring him back to 120% capacity, which won`t be possible doing another five gigs before!

We are very sorry for this as we were really looking forward doing these shows but not under these circumstances and we hope you can understand and respect this decision for a 120% VoA show and against some maybe just 50 percent VoA shows with the risk of the cancellation of our whole live DVD production, which will be released for everyone to enjoy in 2012! "

Visions Of Atlantis will release new material on October 21st in Europe/October 25th in North America as an EP, called Maria Magdelena. The fourth audio sample featuring 40 seconds of the track 'Last Shut Of Your Eyes' can be heard below:

Check out the audio sample of 'Distant Shores' below:

Check out the audio sample of 'Change Of Tides' below:

Check out the audio sample of 'Melancholia' below:

Check out the audio sample of 'Maria Magdalena' below:

Maria Magdelena tracklisting:

'Maria Magdalena'


'Change Of Tides'

'Last Shut Of Your Eyes'

'Distant Shores'

'Beyond Horizon- The Poem Pt. II'

Visions Of Atlantis will be filming their Metal Female Voices Fest appearance on October 23rd in Wieze, Belgium for their first DVD.

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