GILBY CLARKE On Present Day GUNS N' ROSES - "It Doesn't Sound Like Guns N' Roses To Me"

October 9, 2011, 12 years ago

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Metal Shrine recently conducted an interview with GILBY CLARKE (ex-GUNS N' ROSES). In the interview Clarke talks about producing for NANCY SINATRA, THE BRONX, HOTEL DIABLO, Guns N’ Roses theme parties, touring Sweden, his accident and more. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Metal Shrine: Did you ever feel like, during those three years, that there were times when it got out of hand?

Gilby Clarke: “Well, it always got out of hand! (laughs) But also, my experience is different from if you would ask Slash, Duff or Axl because remember, I was also in two bands that weren't successful, so when I got that call I said to myself 'I´m going to enjoy this, because I know this isn't easy. This is hard.' And when you have the success it´s supposed to be fun. I have a different experience than they do. For them it was the first band. They think it happens to everybody. (laughs) That it´s easy. It´s not easy! So I definitely enjoyed it differently.”

Metal Shrine: What's your take on Axl Rose and the band Guns N´Roses today?

Gilby Clarke: "As it stands? Well, knowing Axl and knowing Axl 20 years ago, and knowing what he wanted to do, I would assume that he´s a happy guy. This is, what he explained to me, what he wanted the band to be. When we had our - what I call a disagreement - he wanted to take the band in a new direction. He wanted to bring in lots of people and this is what he envisioned. I assume he is happy. Is it the kind of music that I enjoy? Some of it, some of it. I think it´s creative and I think it´s what music is supposed to be. It´s supposed to be original and creative, and I think it is all those things. It´s just to me... when I think of Guns N´Roses, it doesn't sound like Guns N´Roses to me. But, as I say, if this was an Axl Rose album, it´d be fantastic, because it´s good music. It is. I can´t say it´s not good music."

Metal Shrine: What´s it like making records these days? I read about Tommy Lee (MÖTLEY CRÜE) who said that there´s no point in making records anymore, because everybody just wants one song.

Gilby Clarke: "True! Well, I agree with him in that sense. I do agree with 'Why make a record?' Like, why make 10 or 12 songs? It´s kind of going back to the '60s, where people just made singles and look, is that a good or bad thing? I don´t know. It´s easier. I think making music is a lot easier than it ever has been and I think that you see a wide variety. I think you see some real creative music, and I think you see some real narrow shitty not creative music. All of these things that are available to us are tools. These are tools that THE BEATLES would´ve used if they had them, THE ROLLING STONES and ELVIS. It´s just a matter of using a tool, but you still have to be creative and write a song."

Read the entire interview at this location.

As previously reported, Clarke was the featured guest on the September 17th edition of SOULS ON 11/ex-MEGADETH guitarist Jeff Young’s Music Without Boundaries radio show. The duo, along with LA rock/soul singer Debby Holiday (ROD STEWART, JOHN WAITE) performed a live acoustic version of The ROLLING STONES classic song, 'Dead Flowers'. The footage can be viewed below.

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