Andy Sneap - "HELL Is A Refreshing Change"

October 20, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news hell

Arto Lehtinen of has posted an interview with HELL and SABBAT guitarist and acclaimed metal producer Andy Sneap. An except follows:

You have been around personally for 20 years or something like that but I guess you may have a back-up plan to do something else in the future if you lost interest in doing that job ?

"Yeah I must admit that's kind of the whole HELL thing, for me it's such a refreshing change. Probably after I’ve done this next album by the end of this year I kind of feel I want to take a bit of a backseat on producing a little bit and concentrate on playing more again, because I’m just enjoying it so much being in a band with a group of guys where we all get on so well and we all want to do it. It would be nice if we can actually get out there and do a good six months of touring really. Whether we can or not I don’t know, but we’ve got plans to take it further and we’ve got to start looking on working on the next album at the start of next year, start piecing that together so that should be fun as well. So my plan really is from now on, do two to three albums a year, sort of a decent-sized albums if I can and try to keep the Hell thing rolling because that’s really where my heart is."

To read the interview in its entirety, click here.

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