ACE FREHLEY - Short TV Commercial For No Regrets Book Posted

November 8, 2011, 12 years ago

tv news rock hard ace frehley

Simon And Schuster have released original KISS guitarist ACE FREHLEY's new autobiography, No Regrets: A Rock 'N' Roll Memoir. A short TV commercial spot can be seen below:

Simon And Schuster recently released chapter one No Regrets: A Rock 'N' Roll Memoir. An excerpt can be found below:

“I grew up just off Mosholu Parkway in the Bronx, not far from the New York Botanical Garden and Bronx Zoo. It was a middle-class neighborhood of mixed ethnic backgrounds, consisting of mostly German, Irish, Jewish, and Italian families. Ours was pretty normal and loving, a fact I came to appreciate even more after I began hanging out with some serious badasses who were always trying to escape their violent and abusive home lives. Conversely, my dad never hit or abused me as a child, but I often wondered how much he really cared about me since we never did anything together one-on-one. Now as I think back, I realize more and more that he loved me, and that he did the best he could under the circumstances.

It's pretty hard to look at the Frehleys and suggest that my upbringing contributed in any way to my wild and crazy lifestyle and the insanity that was to ensue. Sure, my dad was a workaholic and never home, but there was always food on the table, and we all felt secure. My parents enjoyed a happy and affectionate marriage—I can still see them holding hands as they walked down the street, or kissing when Dad came home from work. They always seemed happy together, and there was very little fighting at home. We had relatives in Brooklyn and North Carolina, all on my mother's side, but I knew very little about my dad's side of the family. There were no photo albums or letters, no interesting stories or visits from aunts and uncles. Nothing. I knew he had a brother who had tragically drowned at age eight, but the rest was sketchy at best. When I tried to ask him for more details, my mom would intervene.

"Don't push your father," she'd say. "It's too painful for him."

So I'd let it go.”

Read the rest of Chapter One here.

Frehley has several US book signing dates scheduled. The dates include:

Thursday, November 10th - 12 noon

Books A Million

144 South Clark Street

Chicago, IL

Tuesday, November 15th - 4 PM

Changing Hands Bookstore

6428 S. McClintock Drive

Tempe, AZ

Sunday, November 20th - 4 PM

Book Soup

8818 West Sunset Blvd.

Los Angeles, CA

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