November 11, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes tim ripper news owens judas priest

Former JUDAS PRIEST singer TIM "RIPPER" OWENS (DIO DISCIPLES, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, BEYOND FEAR, ex-ICED EARTH) spoke with Dan Kane from CantonRep.com recently about his stint with with the metal gods. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

CantonRep.com: What knowledge did you glean from your stint with Judas Priest?

Owens: "How to drive a car in England... No really, I just learned to be myself, not some L.A. rock star. Be good to the fans and all will be good."

CantonRep.com: How scary was it hitting the stage in Rob Halford’s spot on your first Priest tour?

Owens: "I wasn’t really that scared. I knew it was made for me, I could be myself and it fit the bill. As long as I sang like I could, I would be fine. All I wanted was to make myself happy, because I am a (Judas Priest) fan, and I know what I want as a fan."

CantonRep.com: Were you well accepted by the Priest fans?

Owens: "I think when the fans heard (the album) Jugulator, they knew JP had a singer that could do it. But I think I sold most (of) them on the live shows. As K.K. (Downing, guitarist) always said about me, proof is in the pudding! But in the end, Rob needed to come back, and I needed to spread my wings, and, I gotta say, it has really worked out for both of us!"

Read the entire interview here.

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