OMEN - New Album Due Next Spring

November 20, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news omen

Greece's Rock Overdose conducted an interview with Kenny Powell recently, the founder and guitarist of the legendary band OMEN. Here are a few excerpts from the chat: You're preparing a new album Hammer damage. Is it getting finished and when it will be released;

Powell: "After several delays, I think everything is back on track with the new record, and I look for it to be released early

next spring." How will it sound?

Powell: "I have been trying to write everything from the heart for this one, every time I listen to outside influences it ends up being something I am ultimately disappointed in. So it should definitely sound like a traditional Omen record." What is the current line-up and are you feeling that it'll be more stable now?

Powell: "Matt Story - vocals, Andy Haas - bass, original drummer Steve Wittig, Kenny Powell - guitars, producer, engineer, manager, etc. Nothing would make me happier than for this to be the final line-up for Omen, but I am a realist and given the lack of resources at this level, and the knowledge that we all have personal responsibilities, changes are always possible. After having my heart crushed many times and discovering that not everyone shares my passion for Omen, I am resolved to the fact that nothing is permanent. If that happens, I will forge on, regardless of what it takes! Are you gonna tour for the promotion of the new album?

Powell: "My plan is to tour until we fall over in promotion of this new record!!" Do you believe that you’re starting a new period for Omen;

Powell: "Hammer Damage is the record that I have been waiting to make since 1987 as the follow-up to The Curse. I would not call it a new period, but the continuation of the original vision."

Read the entire interview here.

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