HEIR APPARENT’s Terry Gorle Talks About The Possibility Of Recording New Material

November 30, 2011, 12 years ago

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Greece's Rock Overdose recently conducted an interview with HEIR APPARENT founder and guitarist Terry Gorle about the reunited band's future plans, its history and their forthcoming shows. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Rockoverdose.gr: So Heir Apparent are back with the original lineup. Would you like to tell us a few things about it?

Terry Gorle: “I've been hoping to get the original band together for a long time. Now, it appears we're finally able to do it. Ray contacted me several months ago, and I was able to contact Paul and Derek in September. Now, we are planning these shows, and Paul has shown interest in doing another album. At this point, I am open for anything and hoping for the best.”

Rockoverdose.gr: After these special shows will you record any new material? Are there any unreleased tracks from that period?

Terry Gorle: “As I mentioned earlier, Paul has expressed interest in recording a new album. So, we will begin work on that when we return. There are a few remaining recordings that are unreleased, and some will be available soon. I'm sure I could go back and find many old recordings of special moments from rehearsals or during the songwriting process, but I imagine every band has those types of things that they never make public. I have been far more interested in making new music for the past 10 years, and it appears I finally have a vocalist who is willing to do the work to put his heart and soul into new music. The other vocalists I've played with since 2000 have only made the effort to copy an existing song for the purpose of playing a concert. Writing a good album takes time and commitment. I've been looking for people who are willing to make that commitment since 2000.”

Rockoverdose.gr: You had glorious moments in the late 80's but after that not much has happened. Why do you think this happened?

Terry Gorle: “The band dissolved in 1989 before the release of One Small Voice. There was a coup. By the time One Small Voice was released, ex-members continued to use my band name Heir Apparent illegally. Their actions lost them the recording contract, and I eventually won my lawsuit to defend my trade name at the end of 1990. I have explained this in so many interviews since 2000, it is no longer necessary to go into elaborate detail. I have not seen Michael or Steve, but I have made my peace with Ray and Derek, and I'm moving forward now.”

Read the entire interview at this location.

Heir Apparent’s Paul Davidson, Terry Gorle, Derek Peace and Ray Schwartz will perform their 1986 release, Graceful Inheritance, on their upcoming 2012 reunion tour.

Confirmed dates include:


14 - Würzburg, Germany - Venue TBA
15 - Thessaloniki, Greece - Venue TBA
16 - Nicosia, Cyprus - Venue TBA
17 - Athens, Greece - Venue TBA

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