THE HAUNTED Frontman Peter Dolving Introduces ROSVO Project; Video Posted

December 15, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news the haunted rosvo

THE HAUNTED frontman Peter Dolving checks in with the following update:

"OK. You know I have a bunch of projects right? Well, THIS boys and girls is ROSVO. Together with my friends David, Martin and Simonen, we make what I hear is some kind of punk rock/hardcore.

This is a video to song we made, and guess what, we are getting ready for a tour in Sweden:

ROSVO - Seasick from Rosvo on Vimeo.

Dolving continues: "2012 is gonna friggin kick ass in so many way that we will all just walk around snickering like joyous fools in 2013. I will have more myousickal disinformation for all you lovely hunchbacks as the days go by on a more constant timeline from now on.

Where? On the intreweeblz. Ya basta fuckers:)

Oh by the way, if we can't move, we're not going to... Shake it!

Best loving regards, your devoted friend in the ether! Peter Dolving."

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