ANGTORIA's Tommy Rehn Explains Band's Impending Name Change - "A New Project Which Can Never Be Or Sound Like Angtoria Without My Participation"

December 27, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news angtoria

On December 24th, ANGTORIA vocalist Sarah Jezebel Deva announced that she and Chris Rehn, co-founders of the band, would be returning in 2012 with a new album under a different band name. Rehn's brother, Tommy, who is also an original Angtoria member, has checked in with the following update:

"When reading the news all over internet about 'Angtoria's return' I felt like stating a few things for the record:

I was one of the founders of Angtoria and co-writer/producer of the Angtoria songs including the video track 'God Has A Plan For Us All'. I also was responible for recording and mixing the album. This was a project between me and my brother Chris and Sarah Jezebel Deva. Me and Chris wrote the songs and worked with the orchestrations and Sarah did the lyrics. Musically, me and Chris built the Angtoria sound and maybe in the future we can do it again under that name.

Angtoria did not do any live shows in 2006-2007 as planned, due to things out of my and Chris' control. We then saw no other way than putting the project on hold.

The name Angtoria comes from a song I wrote for symphonic hardrock band MOAHNI MOAHNA´s album Why (with Henrik Flyman of EVIL MAQUERADE). Moahni Moahna is my old band which released two albums in the ' Europe and Japan. On January 20th, 2012 Pantherfarm/Ninetone will re-release all Moahni Moahna recordings on Spotify/Itunes and all other digital markets.

Since Sarah and Chris want to start a project of their own it is just that; a new project which never can be or sound like Angtoria without my participation. I wish them luck with their future album and with branding their own name.

I am now permanent member in CORRODED and will focus on our third album which will be released worldwide summer 2012 following the success with the 'Age Of Rage' song for Battlefield Play 4 Free. Touring in Europe and US is on the planning stage for 2012."

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