BOLT THROWER - Proceeds From 25th Anniversary Boltfest Going To Charity

January 9, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news bolt thrower

Legendary UK extremists BOLT THROWER have announced that all money from their 25th anniversary show, Boltfest - which will be held at the HMV Forum in London, on Saturday, April 7th (Easter Bank Holiday weekend) - will go to charity

An update states: "Obviously you can't charge people to come to your own birthday party, so as soon as we came up with the idea for Boltfest, we decided we should pay all the costs for the event ourselves. We also wanted to use Boltfest as an opportunity to do some good, and turn it into something more than just another show.

So we've decided to ask everyone to donate £5.99 to charity if they want to come to the party. This way, with your help, we hope Boltfest will raise £10,000 for a good cause!

The charity we've chosen is Teenage Cancer Trust. We're sadly among the millions whose lives have been affected by this devastating illness, and have seen first-hand the work charities like Teenage Cancer Trust do, and the difference it makes in those difficult times, so we're very happy to be able to support this deserving charity.

Tickets are limited to 1800 and can be bought at the HMV Ticket shop.

There'll be no service charge, as the HMV Ticket Shop has generously waived these extra costs for this special show. This way ALL the proceeds from the event (minus obligatory 3% PRS) will go to Teenage Cancer Trust.

Check here for ticket info, news and line-up announcements."

*Teenage Cancer Trust is a registered charity, no. 1062559 (England & Wales) and SCO39757 (Scotland).

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