DICK DELICIOUS Frontman Looking To Start New LA Based Band

January 28, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news dick delicious la

Jason Quinlan, better known as Dick Delicious, has issued the following call to arms:

"First, I didn’t quit, nor am I quitting DICK DELICIOUS AND THE TASTY TESTICLES. We don’t get to play that much except for recording and touring, but I want to keep my chops up.

I have a really good idea for a band. It will start as basically a cover band of the period of metal that I like the most: Early-To-Mid-Eighties 'extreme metal'. I’ve put together a list of 30 something songs I can play on guitar (and sing if necessary) from some of my favorite bands from that time including: CELTIC FROST, KREATOR, BATHORY, early EXODUS, WHIPLASH, CARNIVORE, DARK ANGEL, early-PESTILENCE, OBITUARY, SODOM, VOIVOD, and SACRED REICH. I’m trying to avoid the really well known Big 4 bands (although a Hell Awaits SLAYER song will be in there somewhere) and play music by the more obscure bands that when I heard them for the first time actually kinda scared me.

I’ve written up a cool setlist already email me if you want to see it. Or you can text me at 310-666-5445, or find me on Facebook.

There is decent resurgence in this type of music, so playing out we’d probably gain a following in LA pretty quickly.

Of course, my intent is not to always remain a cover band, but I don’t want to hand over my plans for world metal domination just yet.

I am seeking a drummer, bass player, another guitarist (if needed), and a vocalist (if needed). Hell, I’ll play bass if you can play guitar better that me (highly unlikely).

As far as my credentials, I’ve played and toured 'professionally', recorded numerous albums, have gear, car, life, etc."

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