Banger Films' Sam Dunn - "We Had Some Discussions With SLAYER A Few Years Back, But Unfortunately It Kinda Just Faded Away"

February 16, 2012, 12 years ago

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Metal Shrine has issued an interview with Banger Films documentarian Sam Dunn. An excerpt follows:

Q: Now that you've worked with all these big bands, do you get approached by other bands about making documentaries or live DVDs?

A: "Yeah, now some people are starting to approach us about doing different things, but I can't really name names because nothing's really in the works. We've kinda gotten to that point where people are starting to approach us which is great. As I always like to say, it's a great problem to have. (laughs) There's worse problems to have in life. For us it's just about making sure that we can maintain the quality of what we do. We're not gonna jump out and do any cocaine shows anytime soon, but we are looking for ways to kinda expand what we do but keep the quality up and keep the “Banger style” going."

Q: Are you working on anything with SLAYER?

A: "No, but we did have some discussions with Slayer a few years back, but unfortunately it kinda just faded away. What we're working on now is that we're doing a documentary on ALICE COOPER's life from his early days as a child to the 80's when he made his big comeback. We've started to do the interviews and collecting the archival material and the other film we have on the go right now is that we're doing a modern history of the devil."

Read the full interview at this location.

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