February 25, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news lawnmower deth uk

British madcap thrashers LAWNMOWER DETH have issued the following update:

“Crikey it's been a fair old while since I've been over to this dusty corner of the Internet and apologies to all who dwell on MySpace should be given for such neglect (Join us of Facebook ... hint hint… it's so much easier to post stuff over there!).

Anyway, just to let you know that we are doing a headline slot at the Garage in London for X-mas 2012! That's loads of time for you to save your pennies and get a ticket.

So far the mighty Beholder have been confirmed as support but there will be others added soon, we hope to make this a strong line-up as we don't get out often these days, the day pass at the clinic is a rare event so we want to make the most of it.

Tickets are already on sale and can be obtained from the following locations: here and here.

Also don't forget to come over and say hello if your off to Hammerfest next month… we are on after ANTHRAX and we will be the band who are fast asleep onstage 'cause it will be stupid o'clock in the morning by that time!

Cheers for now”

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