FLOTSAM AND JETSAM Singer's Son Creighton Fraker Shows His 'True Colors' On American Idol

February 29, 2012, 12 years ago

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FLOTSAM AND JETSAM singer Eric "AK" Knutson's son Creighton Fraker continued his journey in American Idol last night (February 28th).

According to Michele Amabile Angermiller from the Hollywood Reporter, Fraker "showed his 'True Colors' singing the timeless CYNDI LAUPER ballad. Fraker has a fragility in his performance that I love, and Tuesday night was no different. His arrangement of the song was quiet and subtle in all the right areas and I do love when he wails, but his restraint and quiet command was just what he needed to do. I hope America keeps him around so he can showcase more of his offbeat personality. Lopez seemed worried, noting, 'America’s got their work cut out for them… With a performance like that and a voice like that, I don’t want you to go home.' That kind of said it all."

Check out footage of Creighton Fraker's performance below. He's one of 13 guys competing on the popular US talent show.

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