Former HAREM SCAREM Guitarist Pete Lesperance Checks In From The Studio

March 7, 2012, 12 years ago

news rock hard harem scarem

Former HAREM SCAREM guitarist Pete Lesperance is currently working on a new solo album. He recently checked in from the studio with the following update:

"It’s Monday afternoon and I’m sitting in the dark. I like to keep the studio pretty dark most of the time, that way I don’t know what I’m missing out in the real world.

I’ve been spending the afternoon working on a tune called 'Say Hello' from the new album. It’s one of the last to go down and thanks to some killer backup vocals from (former Harem Scarem drummer) Creighton Doane, it’s really starting to work for me now.

The application is in for funding for the animated video I want to do. It’s definitely a long shot but Warren Sonoda wrote a great treatment for it so we’re going for it. If it’s a bust, I’ve been debating about trying one of those kickstarter programs to raise the cash. It just feels so weird asking folks for money to do something as trivial as a video when there are people on that site asking for money to help their sick grandparents pay their medical bills and the like.

Weird times on the interweb."

Back in January, Lesperance was offering a free song entitled 'The Ride' to the fans, taken from his forthcoming solo album. The track is now available for streaming via the Soundcloud player below:

Following is Lesperance's original update regarding the track:

"Get a free song from my upcoming album. Here’s the deal...

Since this album seems to be taking me forever, I thought I’d share a track. Hit this link and I will send you a free mp3 version of a song called 'The Ride'.

(BTW... This means that you are joining my mailing list and don’t mind getting an email from me every now and again to keep you posted on what’s going on in my musical world).

And another thing, please feel free to share this track with anyone you think may be interested (or their pets).

The Management (that would be me)."

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