HOTEL DIABLO - New Interview With Alex Grossi

March 13, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news hotel diablo

The UK’s Metalliville recently conducted an interview with HOTEL DIABLO guitarist Alex Grossi (QUIET RIOT). In the interview Grossi talks about his roots, Quiet Riot, living in Los Angeles and more. Excerpts from the chat are below:

Metalliville: How would you say Hollywood has changed over the years since you first settled down there?

Alex Grossi: “I have been here about ten years now, and from what I have seen in the circles that I am in is that there are less and less venues that you can just go and jam at. The Cat Club and The Coconut Teazer are both gone now and if you ever hung out on the strip during the past ten years you would know that those were both really cool places to just hang and "jam" - you never knew who was going to show up, and a lot of guys (including myself) did a lot of networking there which led to tours/sessions/gigs etc.”

Metalliville: You have worked and recorded and appeared with many artists over the years - what would you say were the most memorable moments overall and for what reasons?

Alex Grossi: "One that immediately stands out is writing with Kevin DuBrow for what would sadly be his final album on Quiet Riot's Rehab stands out for sure, I am very thankful to have gotten that opportunity. It is also cool as a GN'R fan to have written and recorded with three different members of the band on various projects - Gilby Clarke on Hotel Diablo, Dizzy Reed for his upcoming solo record and Steven Adler in ADLER'S APPETITE."

Metalliville: What were your thoughts when you became a full time member of Quiet Riot and what songs have you been most proud of being a part of both in the creation of or playing them live and why?

Alex Grossi: "I was really excited when Kevin and Frankie asked me to join in 2004, I am really proud of the song ‘Free’,which I wrote with Kevin in 2005. I think it came out great on the album. It was recorded by the great Tony Franklin on bass (THE FIRM, BLUE MURDER) and Neil Citron on guitar who did the whole Rehab record along with Kevin and Frankie and was really fun to perform."

Read the entire interview at this location.

Additional pro- shot footage of Hotel Diablo's Psycho California EP release party, held January 28th at The Key Club in Hollywood, CA, was recently posted online.

Footage of 'Set it Off' (the first song the band released back in July,) as well as 'Psycho California', 'What You Do To Me' (both on the new EP) and brand new song, 'Wicked Lines', can be viewed below:

Previously uploaded footage can be seen below:

The band recently began tracking new material with producer and former GUNS N' ROSES guitarist GILBY CLARKE and expects to have an entire album's worth of new material for a spring release.

Hotel Diablo features vocalist Rick Stitch (LADYJACK, ex-ADLER'S APPETITE), guitarist Alex Grossi, bassist Mike Duda and drummer Mike Dupke (both of W.A.S.P.).

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