OBITUARY's TARDY BROTHERS Father Passes; Tampa Show Cancelled

March 23, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news tardy brothers obituary

OBITUARY have announced that brothers John and Donald Tardy have announced the cancellation of their show, at The Brass Mug in Tampa, Florida on March 31st.

"Our Father passed away and his memorial service has been schedule for that Saturday. I feel bad for the Brass Mug for cancelling in such short notice, but there is not much I can do. R.I.P James R. Tardy (1940 - 2012)

Hopefully we can reschedule this show sometime soon and I again apologize to everyone for the cancellation."

John and Donald Tardy released their Tardy Brothers debut in 2009, called Bloodline. The debut featured guitar work by Ralph Santolla (Obituary, DEATH, DEICIDE) and original Xecutioner guitarist Jerry Tidwell and solo work from 19-year-old John Lee and long time friend Scott Johnson.

Said John Tardy of the project: "This is something Donald and I have talked about and planned for many years and we just never had the time to do it. With the addition of our new studio, it has finally given us the abilitity to get this music recorded. It is not going to affect anything that Obituary is doing nor is it supposed to sound like Obituary."

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