HELL Guitarists Featured In New Audio Interview

March 24, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news hell

DJ Blackdiamond at Firebrand Rock Radio and Metal Shock Finland recently conducted an interview with HELL guitarist/producer Andy Sneap and guitarist Kev Bower following the band's set at Hammerfest IV. An excerpt from the interview is available below:

“We haven’t had much press here (UK) and full credit to the UK metal fans, they have really got behind us and they are so loyal, it’s great.”

Discussing the accessibility of bands today, Sneap comments: “You couldn’t get near bands back in the day, you maybe saw a gig and their video. they probably went home after and did some plumbing, but we didn’t know about that. Metal is missing a bit of the showmanship these days and that’s what we’re trying to bring into Hell.“

Check out the complete interview here.

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