NILE's Karl Sanders On New Album - "We Haven’t Abandoned Our Identity And I Don’t Believe You Should Fuck Over Your Fans"

April 12, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news nile

NILE guitarist/vocalist Karl Sanders is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below:

Cobra: You guys are going to be releasing At The Gates Of Sethu. When did writing begin and what was the process like?

Sanders: "Well, we started in May of last year (2011) after we finished our European Tour. We worked on that fucking record for 10 months straight, to the exclusion of all else. (Laughs) Long hours, every day."

Cobra: With each new Nile release, you guys always seem to push the boundaries of what you can do both technically and musically. Do you feel that this new album is a reflection of that statement?

Sanders: "I certainly do. Someone said to me last night, it was a fan standing outside of Slims in San Francisco, basically it amounted to: If you want to achieve anything, doesn’t matter what it is, you’re gonna have to work at it. You put the time and the effort and the sacrifice into it. That’s what we did when we approached creating this new record."

Cobra: As far as the concept of the new record is concerned, what can you tell us?

Sanders: "It’s in similar territory to other Nile records in that a lot of it stems from Ancient Egyptology and sort of has underlying modern themes tied in. We haven’t abandoned our identity and I don’t believe you should fuck over your fans. If your fans like what you do, and you change too much of what you do, fans don’t like it. What matters to me is when I’m out on tour and I meet the actual fans and they share their thoughts…those are the people that I listen to. There’s a lot of new ideas within the realm of what we do that we tried to incorporate. We studied real hard on the guitar and have lots of new riffs and musical ideas. There are a lot of surprises on the record."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

World Management recently announced that Nile are heading to Asia. This marks the band’s first time in these markets and the guys are extremely excited to be playing for their Asian metal brothers.

"The whole idea of spreading Nile’s music into this part of the world has been a long time coming. We are extremely pleased to go to this part of the world and are looking forward to an amazing cultural exchange and experience."

Nile's Asian Invasion dates include:


26 - Diablo Open Air - Singapore, Singapore
28 - Hammersonic Jakarta International Metal Festival, Lapangan D - Jakarta, Indonesia


2 - A.U.A. Auditorium - Bangkok, Thailand (with HATE ETERNAL)
5 - Summer Blaze Metal Festival - New Delhi, India
6 - E-Zone Club - Bangalore, India

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