DRAGONFORCE, HOLY GRAIL - Power Packed Philly Performance

April 24, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news holy grail dragonforce

by Mark Gromen

Just the second night of their North American tour, yet my third time seeing DRAGONFORCE with new singer Marc Hudson, so there were no worries about whether the guy can cut it or not. As a matter of fact, each time he's demonstrates a growth, not only by fitting into the line-up more comfortably, but gaining that all important stage presence, which his bandmates have in spades! The Internet giveth and the Internet taketh away. Spawned by fanatical online support, the DRAGONFORCE cult appears to be as passe as G3 cell phone connections, judging the sparse (read virtually non-existent) support from the under 21 set. On their last trip through Philly, for Ultra Beatdown, playing the same venue, it was packed with kids, many needing parental supervision to attend.

One of the hardest working US bands, jumping on any/all tours, as well as their own club dates over the last couple of years, HOLY GRAIL opened, offering two new tracks from the forthcoming album, as well as standards from their debut, Crisis in Utopia. While traditional metal, the intense delivery, especially from headbanging-like-mad singer James Paul Luna, borders on thrash, from the blazing 'Immortal Man' kick-off, to 'Call Of Valhalla' and newbie 'Crosswind'. Another unreleased track, 'Ride The Void', begins sedate, almost acoustic, then delves into guitar sweeps and prominent drum beat, a little more melodic (mellow?) than the rest of the ragers in this heavied up set, which also included 'Hallowed Ground' and the concluding 'Fight To Kill', ending with Luna's highest shrill register. If you haven't seen these guys (probably been through your town more than once), do yourself a favor and check 'em out live!

For DRAGONFORCE, the stage was stripped down, bare of the ramps, trampolines and risers/lightboxes they've previously utilized to pose on/jump off. Not only do they wish to be taken seriously in the musical direction, but have made a concerted (pun intended) effort on the live presentation as well, leaving the circus style theatrics behind. That doesn't mean it isn't a flurry of motion onstage, 'Die By The Sword', the first of five new songs, is up first. In the onstage frenzy, some might not have even know it off the just released Power Within. Sam Totman still has his stocking cap on, but the rest of the band looks ready to rumble. Flashy fretwork and Herman Li hip-checks his guitar with a proficient bounce that never misses a beat, and serves as a human tremolo in 'Operation Ground & Pound' and 'Cry Thunder' another new track, but one that was performed live throughout Europe and has thus had an opportunity to reach YouTube listeners. From the easy sing-along chorus, seems quite a few were well versed on the lyrics already. Backwards cap wearing, bearded drummer Dave Mackintosh seems to be cultivating the Mike Protnoy image. 'Heroes Of Our Time' sees Li alone on stage right (the audience's left), while 'Soldiers Of The Wasteland' has five part vocal harmony (six, if you count the drummer). Hudson isn't afraid to command the audience, when he needs, but with Li and Totman whizzing by on all sides, the ginger haired singer most often finds a like-minded foil in bassist Frederic Leclercq, with whom he often shares the mic. Red and copper lights flicker as keyboardist Vadim Pruzhanov strolls to the front of the stage, with his portable keytar, for 'Fallen World' and 'Holding On' rounds out the new material, the two guitarists and bassist standing three abreast.

In a mad, kinetic dash to the end, its old school DRAGONFORCE, finishing out with 'Through The Fire And Flames' and an aptly titled 'Fury Of The Storm'. 10 songs is a little short for a headlining set, even if it's an early show on Monday, but the athleticism required to not only play, but run around consistently, I can understand, as did most of the others, who seemingly left the TLA happy.

More photos can be seen here.

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