SOULFLY - Max Cavalera Takes You Through Band's Discography Album By Album; Part 1 Posted

April 30, 2012, 12 years ago

hot flashes news soulfly

In a new four-part video series, journey through SOULFLY's eight-album discography with Max Cavalera (CAVALERA CONSPIRACY). In the first clip, he tells stories from the making of 1998's Soulfly and 2000's Primitive:

Max Cavalera is featured in a new interview with Ruben Mosqueda at Oregon Music News. An excerpt is available below:

Q: So you’re out on the road promoting the new album, but it’s also in celebration of the 15th anniversary of Soulfly. I guess that means I’m getting old. As a listener, it doesn’t seem like it’s been 15 years. Does if for you?

Max: "No, it’s flown by fast. I can’t believe that we just released our eighth record; it seems like it was just yesterday that I was recording 'Eye For An Eye' (from the self-titled debut). Time has just flown by, but it’s also exciting to be commemorating 15 years of metal. We are going trying to stay on the road all year long since it is a special a celebration."

Q: Is it still as fresh as it was in the beginning with Soulfly?

Max: "Oh yeah, I love the excitement that comes with playing music, and the crowd noise—that in itself is priceless. It’s amazing. I get goose bumps—it’ll never go away. I’ve said this before, if there ever comes a day when I don’t feel anything—then that’s when I’ll stop. I’m not even close to being done, it’s actually getting more exciting with time."

Q: Obviously there will be more Cavalera Conspiracy music. When do you foresee that taking shape?

Max: "It will happen, but much later. I have a new project that I’m working with Greg Puciato from THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN, which is in the vein of NAILBOMB. We’re not going to tour behind that, we’re just going to do a couple of shows. We’ll be putting the record out there just like we did with Nailbomb—just the record with little promotion and a couple of live shows. Cavalera will take place after that so right now it won’t be until 2013 until you see a new Cavalera Conspiracy record."

Click this location for the complete interview.

The Maximum Cavalera 15th Anniversary North American Tour 2012 featuring Soulfly, INCITE, LODY KONG and WYKKED WYTCH kicked off on April 13th at The Black Sheep in Colorado Springs, CO and wraps up on May 11th at the Sunshine Theatre in Albuquerque, NM. Go to this location for the complete schedule.

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